Educreations Helps When I Erase Too Fast!

Do you all know the Ipad Ap: Educreations? For all I know it is a program for Macs and PC's too, and, er, I am not the expert, yet...

So on Friday I promised my students that I would leave the Smart Board notes for them on the class website. Yeah, but guess who hit the "Don't Save" button before she left for the day? Yup, yo. So I recreated the main points on little video. Can't say it is the most watchable thing out there, yet it is me, and there is always the pause button for the kids.

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  1. This is AWESOME> It is great to see a math teacher going out of her comfort zone and learning new technologies that have the result of empowering her students. Way to go Ms. Z!

  2. Perfection keeps so many people from doing anything. Great job!


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