Happy New School Year! Sam over at https://samjshah.com/ (You should check out his blog because, he is Sam and he is awesome!) reminded me us that there is a hashtag for folks like us: #MTBoSFD (Math Twitter Blog O Sphere First Days). He also promised to blog twice for

Thanks to @druinok. So here are my our First Days Stations inspired by @magicalmsmurphy.

This is Danielle:
She is the most amazing math 

teacher ever. See that precious bundle on the right? Danielle is so creative, she made a baby and took a year off from teaching. I am so over the moon that she will be my neighbor once again this fall. I have to share her 1/2 time with precious baby bundle o' joy, but that is okay. 

Inspired by  @magicalmsmurphy, an English Teacher in Los Angeles, California we took her idea and sat down today 
for three hours plan our own first day stations. We have 90 minute blocks and will have the students move 
stations every 7 minutes. We will give the students 90 seconds to get to the next station. 

Created by Danielle Graff and Amy Zimmer for grades 9-11

The Purpose:
1) To establish that our classrooms are learning communities.
2) To establish that we Math everyday in our classrooms.

The Set Up:
Students will be randomly assigned to groups of 4.
We will practice how to move around to stations before we let the students actually get to work/play.
Students will go through an introductory activity before they move to their station work. 
We decided that the students will have a record sheet to bring with them for each station. Not all stations
will have something to record, but we want the students to get accustomed to having evidence of their 

Behind The Scenes:
Danielle being Danielle, and the master of all things organizational, started a Google Doc. We designed 
the stations, then went back and determined what was needed for each station (my idea--just so you get 
that this was truly a collaboration). Then we went back through and assigned the needed tasks to each of us.

Husband: You spent 3 hours working on the first day? 
Me: Yeah, I and that was 50% of the work. 

Left To Do:
Determine an exit ticket (will it be part of the activity sheet or separate and what will it be?
How will we debrief? 
And our assigned tasks of course. 

Here you go: 


First Day Stations:

1. Syllabus + Scavenger Hunt – Stickies notes for parking lot questions and comments
Regular post-its, white board for notes, syllabus copies, supply list, scavenger hunt on recording sheet
How do we want intructions to go? IE student reads a question and all try to find answer? Each spends 4-5 minutes looking on own and then all together round robin read so that everyone has the correct answers?

2. Target Number Station – whiteboards, pens, rags NEED CALCULATORS AT MATH STATIONS!!
Space to write down on record sheet that has target number (which is 851 using 50, 1, 20, 5, 63, 10) How close can they get to target number, what is the lowest number they can make and what is the largest number they can make with the given numbers

A- Target number Station & laminate
D - Recording Sheet for ALL stations
3. FlipGrid – need ipad or chromebook and to download the app
Students give us there: name, age and something they are looking forward to this year – we, as teacher need to record an example. SO they watch ours and then record their own.

A&D - Learn how to use and create our own intro video
4. Community Agreements: make a list of agreements that support a safe classroom and create an optimal learning environment, group will need to pick a typist based on who is the oldest.
- Google Form, minimum of 4 suggestions

D- Google Survey
5. Consecutive Chains – For HW students will do two more chains and then create their own + 2-3 order of operations problems

D - Add blank consecutive chains to recording Sheet

A - Station & Directions & Example

6. Notice & Wonder: color print and laminate maps, create google form, students don’t have to write anything just respond on google form.

A - Color copy & Laminate

D - Google Form

A and D--prepare “reveal slides”
7. Order of operations – analyze the math problem that has been going around NEED CALCULATORS AT MATH STATIONS!!

A - station with directions
D - Add space for this on recording sheet

 8. Mindset Reading: Read mindset rubric as a group and make sure students understand what each category is saying, pencils down! Students take clipboard, highlighter and rubric outside to evaluate themselves privately. On the back of sheet they chose one category that they want to move over in and write some ideas on how they think they’ll do that.


A - Station Directions
D - Break up Rubric and Laminate
 We are going to practice going to stations before we actually do them, how do you go to the station, how do you leave the station, leave the station the way you found them for the next group, rules for stations discussion (no talking outside your group, no cell phones) before the stations we have the students introduce themselves (How do we want this done??)  to each other, NEED CALCULATORS AT MATH STATIONS!!

Brain Break in between stations? Brain Break halfway through? Ask questions that get them standing? (If you play a fall sport, stay standing, etc.)

 How/When to Debrief

Please let us know if you use stations on the first day how it goes. Also hit us up with any suggestions or comments!