Math Blogger Initiative Week 2

I am sooooo proud of my Algebra 1 Syllabus!

Most kids get 4 pages of "Blah, Blah, Blah" like when the teacher talks in a Peanuts Cartoon.

I made mine into a flip book that goes straight into their IN Notebooks (is the redundant?) (okay, so it doesn't exactly look like a flip book in this format, but at least the graphics showed up and it is in order. 

Hope it looks the way it is supposed to here. It is a bit of work to cut out (oops, for my TA's to  cut out), but so worth it. Excited for Back to School night Next week. Woot!

Here is the text:

Course Syllabus

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  1. I'm assuming your "IN Notebooks" are the same as INBs that a lot of teachers are talking/blogging about. I can't see what the rest of your algebra flipbook looks like, but it's good to be proud of your creation!! Eww, how can you be excited about BTS Night?! :)) After 20+ years, I still get so nervous on that night.

    Well, it's my pleasure to feature you, Ms. Zimmer, on my blog this week at

    Happy blogging! Fawn


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