I decided to share this "favorite," because my sister, who is in a completely different field than I am, (wardrobe and costuming) thought is was so cool and she could think of so many uses for it, that if I was going to teach her, I thought what the heck, why not post it here. Without further ado:

The Mini-Book: Eight pages from one sheet. I am sure it isn't anything new, just maybe how to format it could be useful. 

Start with a sheet of paper. For the booklet to the left I used 8.5 by 11, but our copier at work does 8.5 by 14 also.

 Use this guide on the right for planning.  (Panels 4, 5, 6 and 7 will need to be in textboxes so that you can flip them over. ) Now you are ready to go to the computer. 

1) Format your blank document Choose Landscape layout and narrow margins. 
2) Insert a table, choose 4 rows by 2 columns. Drag the square in the lower right hand corner until your table fits the page. This is how much room you have to work with. 

                                                                                                            Roll curser to get blue                                                                                                                                square and drag down

3) Type and import images in the spaces. The spaces above will need to be written in text boxes so that they can be turned 180 degrees before you save and print. To flip the text box, grab the green circle and spin. 
4) To get rid of the borders, highlight all the text and choose "no Borders" 
5) Print the one page book. It will look like this: (The blue box did not appear on the copies) 
6) Fold the paper in eighths as shown in the planning picture. Open 

 it and fold as shown. The cut goes from the folded edge halfway across. 

7) Open with the folded edge up and refold! 

This is a great way for students to illustrate vocabulary, take notes, or plan a project. If you plan on using it in an interactive notebook, do not write on side 8. I left mine blank and drew in a picture before I printed it. Okay, okay, I will show you! I left the schmutz visible just to make sure my sister didn't have any false expectations of me! 

How will you use this nifty mini book?