Addedum, I Challenged Myself to Present--AKA If I can do it, so can you!

BTW: If you like Make and Takes, or need an awesome activity for Pre-Calc/Trig, I presented this "My Favorite," (#TMC15) a foldable for finding the formula for the Sum of Angles for Sine and Cosine that SHOWS why cos (x +

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It's About Community

#tmc15 Experiencing Community            Truly I don't know where to start this post. Partly an ode FOR all the MTBoSers, partly that experience where you just process and download. I did wrtite this all on paper

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I Have A Blog And I Am Not Afraid To Use It

Ideas floating around my head these days: Estimation: GIVEN a shower puff that is intact, how would you estimate its length unravelled? GIVEN a plum, who can do the best job peeling it? How would you determine "best job," in

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