The Trig Unit Your Students (at least you will) Love

 I love teaching Trigonometry. It has an arc that my brain can follow. It feels rigorous, but knowable. Here is how I plan out my introductory lesson for Integrated Math 2 or Geometry: If you just want the project, skip to the

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When Math and Identity Work Side By Side--Necessary Conditions

 This is a heartwarming story. We don't get to tell them often enough. I used Geoff Krall's (Author of Necessary Conditions) Where Does a Letter Occur in a Word matching activity as a soft open to our after mid-winter break first day

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Miss Amy, The New School, and What I am Learning #MTBoSYuleBlog

 New School.My year feels like it starts in August. That is the "new" year for me. After 24 years in the same huge comprehensive public high school, (with two odd years, one for a leave where I ended up starting

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Miss Amy And The New School

Note, this was written On October 25, 2020. I will update for my new year's blog bc @druinok is the queen of inspiration. Hello Dear Friends! I don't know what will be the outcome of this post, will it be

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The Do's and Don'ts of Interviewing for a Teaching Job

Hello Friends! I hope you and yours are healthy and taking care of each other. Yesterday we conducted teaching interviews online. From years of experience both on interview panels and being a successful interviewee, I thought I would share some

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